Please find below our agenda for the upcoming AGM on Tuesday 14th January 2025 in the Kilmartin Parish Church. The meeting will start at 19.30. All members of the public are welcome.
AGM 14th January 2025
Dunadd Community Enterprise will be holding an AGM on Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 19.30 in the Kilmartin Parish Church. All members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.
The agenda for the meeting will be published shortly and added to the website.
This year Dunadd Community Enterprise has been involved in the following projects:-
- Community Consultation for an updated Community Plan, which has led to a new community plan being published
- Successful application and purchase of a new lawn tractor for Kilmartin Green
- Successful application for new goalposts for Kilmartin Green, which should be delivered in January
- Supporting Bookswap
- Exploring the possibility of transferring Slockavullin green into the care of DCE
- Supporting the community council by managing its website
We currently have four directors and a secretary. We are looking for new directors to join at the AGM. Without new directors, DCE risks stopping at the AGM. To find out more about getting involved please email
We look forward to seeing you on the 14th.
Hazel Fuller
Kilmartin community consultation – 1st Feb
Due to circumstances out with our control, unfortunately we are going to have to re-schedule this Thursday’s community consultation in Kilmartin.
We will let you know when we have a new date – we are in Ford next Thursday 8th February in the Ford Village Hall between 4pm and 6pm.
Thank you.
Ford Community Consultation – change of date
The Ford Community Consultation will now take place on the 8th February 2024 in the Ford Village Hall between 4pm and 6pm.
Thank you.
AGM and Community Consultations
A message from our new Chair – David Smart
I am David Smart and I am the new Chair of Dunadd Community Enterprise.
We are holding our AGM on the 11th January 2024 in the Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish Church, Barrmor View – Kilmartin at 7pm. I would appreciate it if you could attend as there are several items where it would be good to get thoughts on how we proceed.
We are a small group and recognise that we need to operate as a Project based group, rather than an entity that delivers services. Over the last 18 months we have been developing a new Community Plan with the aim of applying for funding for a Development Worker to bring the actions and objectives of a new plan to life.
We will present the draft plan at the AGM and will be holding further Community Consultations to allow as many residents as possible to see the plan and give feedback and shape our future work. We want the views and opinions of the Dunadd constituency to help shape the final plan.
Dates for the consultations are:
- 11th January Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish Church, Barrmor View – Kilmartin 7.45pm to 9pm.
- 18th January Ford Village Hall 3pm to 7pm
- 1st February Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish Church, Barrmor View – Kilmartin 3pm to 7pm
Looking forward, DCE needs at least two new Directors. If this is something that is of interest to you please contact me for a chat ( and come along to the AGM on the 11th January.
AGM Agenda – Thursday 26th January 7pm
AGM 2023

Community Survey
Dunadd Community Enterprise and Dunadd Community Council are working together to update the Community Plan and would love your input. We have devised a short questionnaire. Please click the link below to access the questionnaire.
We will use your feedback to input to the Community Plan and we are in the process of applying for funding to secure a development worker who can work alongside DCE and DCC to implement the plan.
Please give us honest feedback around what you would like to see brought to the Dunadd area.
If you have any questions please email
Survey Link:
Dunadd Community Enterprise AGM
Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 7.00PM
via Zoom Meeting
Originally, we were planning on a face-to-face meeting for the Dunadd Community Enterprise (DCE) AGM, however due to present circumstances the directors think its wise to again have the annual meeting as an online event.
We have sent meeting details to members via email if you still need the details please email or phone the contact details at the bottom of this message.
As we mentioned in our last newsletter we are looking for members to get more involved by becoming directors, if you are interest in this or want more information please do not hesitate to make contact on or tel 01546 510202.
1. Welcome
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairs Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Going forward
7. Election of Directors
8. Any Other Business
Tent on the Green
The tent on the green can be used by community groups
You can find more information by following this link and filling in the booking form.
Tent booking calendar.