The tent on the green can be used by community groups
You can find more information by following this link and filling in the booking form.
Tent booking calendar.
Dunadd Community Enterprise AGM
Dear Member,
It’s that time of year again when we start to think about the Dunadd Community Enterprise Annual General Meeting.
Dunadd Community Enterprise AGM will be held on Zoom on Thursday 4th February at 7pm.
Documents for the AGM can be found by following this link
Meeting login details
All members will have received an email on 3rd February with updated login details. If your not a member and would like to attend please email your name, address and we will email you the login details to the meeting.
Due to the current restrictions we are not able to hold our usual face to face meeting, so will be inviting you to an on-line meeting, using the zoom app. The invitation will give you simple instructions on how to attend.
All the paperwork for the AGM will be posted onto our website before the AGM, and we will also use our facebook page to promote the AGM.
We are keen to encourage you to get involved and consider becoming a Director, a list of our current directors is on our website, and anyone of us would be willing to talk to you about DCE. If you would like to more information on becoming a Director or any other elements of DCE please contact David Bracken (Chair) or Di Roberts (Treasurer) 01546 510202, or
On our website you will also find information on our forthcoming activities under the Resilience and Recovery heading.
We hope you will be able to join us.
Covid Resilience and Recovery
DCE is looking at how it can help communities and business within the recovery period. Take a look at our draft plan.
Dunadd Community Support Fund
Dunadd Community Enterprise and Community Council have been able to secure limited funding to support the community during the Covid 19 crisis.
Part of this fund is available to Dunadd residents, who are struggling at the present moment, please share this information and please encourage people to apply.
The fund is being distributed in £60 cash handouts to households and residents who are struggling at the present time, and is aimed to support families with food and essentials, electricity key cards etc, however other financial pressures can be applied for.
Please read the information sheet that also explains how we would treat applicants confidentiality.
Application Form
Advice available from Citizens Advice Bureau
Kilmartin Old Church Project
News Snippet
Originally we were going to have a few different community meetings to explain our progress, show you the possibility, and gain your feedback. However in this time of isolation we have had to adapt and do this online.
By following the link you will find an explanation of our findings so far, and have a chance to feedback your thoughts.
There is a six minute video that takes you on a journey through the possible adapted building.
please go to out micro website for more detailed information
Covid19: Dunadd Community Council Response
The community council is developing its response to the current situation and has coordinators in different areas. We are looking for volunteers who can deliver shopping, pick up prescriptions, chat over the phone, etc .
We are also trying to identify people who are self isolating and need help. As you will be aware it is difficult to be confident everyone has got the message in an isolated rural area, so we ask that you share this with neighbours, friends, etc. This way we hope to get a message to everyone.
we ask all people who are volunteering to take heed of this information from Argyll and Bute Council
The Co-ordinators are:-
Jim Malcolm
Tel: 510540.
Amber Crowley
Tel: 810328
Sue Maclean
Tel: 510297
David Smart
Tel: 07758 130576
Community Meeting
Information on the forthcoming meeting to update the community on Dunadd Community Enterprise.
This will include an update on the viability study on The Kilmartin Church Building, project.
Documents for the meeting on 30th January 2020
Community Transport Project
The 3 villages of Kilmelford, Ardfern and Kilmartin have come together to look at [the viability of] a shared Community Transport project. The project is called the A816 but also included other settlements and villages within the immediate area.
This is intended to support anyone with transport issues to be able to access services in the towns that they might not be able to right now.
This could include sports and other extracurricular activities in Lochgilphead and Oban, and may even assist students and people looking for their first jobs.
How can you help?
We presently have a questionnaire to help shape and gauge the response to the project, you can help us by filling this out. A816 Project Form
Our October newsletter is now available by linking below
or in a pdf file
Website update
We have changed the structure of this website, there is now a new projects item in the menu. That leads to an overall project page, then information on individual projects.
The Church Building Project has been update with a copy of the project plan that we will keep up to date so you know where we are at.
There is a new litter project that we will post more details as this moves forward.